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Выпуск sandboxed-tor-browser, прослойки для изоляции Tor Bro..., opennews (ok), 13-Дек-16, (0) [смотреть все]

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31. "Выпуск sandboxed-tor-browser, прослойки для изоляции Tor Bro..."  +/
Сообщение от vi (ok), 13-Дек-16, 17:46 
>> Есть ли возможность узнать что-то особое о хосте, из виртуалбокса к примеру?
> Ping из виртуалбокса без проблем раскроет IP-адрес основной системы, чтобы этого небыло
> нужно городить хитрый проброс всего трафика через tor proxy.

Хитрый, говорите...

# # Add group and user
# groupadd -g 17500 whowho
# useradd -m -s /bin/sh -G whowho -c "Wgotsy" wgotsy
# passwd wgotsy

# su - wgotsy

$ mkdir ~/opt

$ cd ~/opt

# # Download and install tor-browser
# #
# #

$ wget -c
$ wget -c

# #
# #
# #
# # Linux Instructions
# #
# # !!! Do not unpack or run TBB as root. !!!
# #
# # Download the architecture-appropriate file above, save it somewhere, then run one of the following two commands to extract the package archive:
# #
# # tar -xvJf tor-browser-linux32-6.0.7_LANG.tar.xz
# #
# # or (for the 64-bit version):
# #

$ tar -xvJf tor-browser-linux64-6.0.7_LANG.tar.xz

# #
# # (where LANG is the language listed in the filename).
# #
# # Once that's done, switch to the Tor browser directory by running:
# #

$ cd tor-browser_LANG

# #
# # (where LANG is the language listed in the filename).
# #
# # To run Tor Browser, click either on the Tor Browser or the Tor Browser Setup icon or execute the start-tor-browser.desktop file in a terminal:
# #
# # !!! Do not unpack or run TBB as root. !!!
# #

$ ./start-tor-browser.desktop

# #
# # !!! Do not unpack or run TBB as root. !!!
# #
# # This will launch Tor Launcher and once that connects to Tor, it will launch Firefox.
# #

# # Get user gid
$ id
uid=17222(wgotsy) gid=17222(wgotsy) группы=17222(wgotsy),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),60(games),104(scanner),107(bluetooth),109(netdev),17500(whowho)
$ exit

$ su - root

Make firewall rules
# echo '
if test -z "${TOTOR_GID}" ; then exit ; fi

## OUTPUT ##
# Clear previous output firewall rules
# Re-create OUTPUT-torify-clnt if it doesn't exist
ipt_all -N OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_all -F OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_all -D OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_all -I OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true

ipt_all -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m owner ! --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j RETURN
#ipt_all -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -j LOG
##ipt_all -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j DROP
##ipt_all -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j DROP
##ipt_all -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j DROP

## IPv4 OUTPUT in table nat ##
# Clear previous output firewall rules
# Re-create OUTPUT-torify-clnt if it doesn't exist
ipt_inet -t nat -N OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_inet -t nat -F OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_inet -t nat -D OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_inet -t nat -I OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true

ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m owner ! --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -m multiport -d localhost --destination-ports "${LOCAL_TOR_PORTS}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -m multiport -d localhost --destination-ports "${LOCAL_TOR_PORTS}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -d "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}" --dport "${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -d "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}" --dport "${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -j LOG
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}":"${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}"
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}":"${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}"

## IPv6 OUTPUT in table mangle ##
# Clear previous output firewall rules
# Re-create OUTPUT-torify-clnt if it doesn't exist
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -N OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -F OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -D OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -I OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j OUTPUT-torify-clnt || true

ipt_inet6 -t mangle -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m owner ! --gid-owner "${TOTOR_GID}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -m multiport -d localhost --destination-ports "${LOCAL_TOR_PORTS}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -m multiport -d localhost --destination-ports "${LOCAL_TOR_PORTS}" -j RETURN
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -j LOG
#ipt_inet6 -t mangle -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}":"${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}"
#ipt_inet6 -t mangle -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}":"${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}"
ipt_inet6 -t mangle -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -j DROP

' > /etc/My_Favorit_Firewall/rules/60torify-client.rules

# service My_Favorit_Firewall reload

Далее (в следующей части) настройка Tor (запускаемого вместе с tor-browser-ом) and Tor-browser (хотя его как раз настраивать не надо) от пользователя.


Ответить | Правка | К родителю #14 | Наверх | Cообщить модератору

33. "Выпуск sandboxed-tor-browser, прослойки для изоляции Tor Bro..."  +/
Сообщение от vi (ok), 13-Дек-16, 18:31 

ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}":"${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}"
ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}":"${REMOTE_TOR_PORTS}"
It's a shame! One line is lost.
+ ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}"

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47. "Выпуск sandboxed-tor-browser, прослойки для изоляции Tor Bro..."  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 10-Авг-17, 10:51 
> ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m tcp -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination
> ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -m udp -p udp -j DNAT --to-destination
> It's a shame! One line is lost.
> + ipt_inet -t nat -A OUTPUT-torify-clnt -j DNAT --to-destination "${REMOTE_TOR_HOST}"

Выше вот интересные комменты.

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