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"В Ubuntu планируется вместо X-сервера использовать дисплейны..."
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. "В Ubuntu планируется вместо X-сервера использовать дисплейны..." +/
Сообщение от szh (ok), 07-Ноя-10, 03:14 
о более эффективной нетворк работе:

remote desktop with just Wayland is impossible because it communicates with local DRM buffers. It could be extended to allow clients over a network to send image data, however that would be kind of like VNC. Wayland will definitely not take drawing commands like X, because it is supposed to be rendering API neutral.

Remote desktop is really something that belongs in the toolkits (Gtk+, Qt), not the display server. This would be preferable both to the X11 method, and to the VNC method. A remote application would use the toolkit just like normal, and the toolkit would issue commands to a daemon running on the local computer, which would draw the windows and send them to Wayland in DRM buffers. This is better than both X and VNC because it has the potential to save a lot of bandwidth. As much as X/NX is better than VNC, this would be even better, because the toolkit wouldn't have to send every little drawing detail, since the local daemon would know those details. This would allow Wayland to remain rendering API neutral, and use even less bandwidth than X for remote desktop.

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В Ubuntu планируется вместо X-сервера использовать дисплейны..., opennews, 05-Ноя-10, 10:06  [смотреть все]
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