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"Администрация Мюнхена создаст рабочую группу для анализа про..."
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. "Администрация Мюнхена создаст рабочую группу для анализа про..." +2 +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 20-Авг-14, 16:27 
> Коррупция. Где появляется Microsoft, ищи коррупцию.

Как, коррупция? Какая коррупция?! Абсолютно никакой связи!1 </!>

""In making these criticisms, Schmid is echoing issues raised by Mayor Dieter Reiter of the SPD party. Reiter complained of having to wait weeks for an external mail server to be set up just so that he could get mail on his smartphone, and he has criticized the open source software for lagging behind Microsoft's equivalents.

""Microsoft announced last year that it was moving its German headquarters to Munich. This move is planned to take place in 2016. While Reiter was involved in the deal that precipitated the move and describes himself as a "Microsoft fan," he says the criticism of LiMux is unrelated.


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Администрация Мюнхена создаст рабочую группу для анализа про..., opennews, 18-Авг-14, 22:02  [смотреть все]
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