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Патчи от Байкал Электроникс отказались принимать в ядро Linux по политическим причинам, opennews (ok), 16-Мрт-23, (0) [смотреть все]

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529. "Патчи от Байкал Электроникс отказались принимать в ядро Linu..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от Зухель (ok), 22-Мрт-23, 20:25 
При этом SJWшники Линуса нарушений CoC не видят:

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 01:32:13PM +0500, Zigmund wrote:
> Dear Code of Conduct Committee!
> Jakub Kicinski <> has been violated the Code of Conduct by rejecting kernel patch by Serge Semin <> ( Per Our Pledge paragraph of Code of Conduct "our community a harassment-free experience for everyone". There are no technical reasons for rejecting the patch. The political attacks is a unacceptable behavior per Code of Conduct. The Open Source Community has been grown from the contributions of developers from multiple culture, nationality, employment, feeling, etc. and Jakub Kicinski looks like uses his maintainer position for political harrasment. The maintainer position should be taken by the person who respect collaboration and technical progress, not who specially rejecting the hardware support improvements without technical reasons.

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We followed up on your report and determined that there is no Code of
Conduct violation in this situation.

The goal of the Code of Conduct is to help remove personal attacks
against individuals while keeping the Linux kernel development process
humming along with healthy and productive discussions around code and

In this instance, there was no personal attack against any individuals.
No maintainer is ever required to accept contributions and may choose to
not do so on any grounds as long as it is not done so in a way that
attacks the submitter.

The Code of Conduct committee concluded that the maintainer's actions
were consistent with the guidelines outlined in the CoC.

Please reach out to us if you have any further questions regarding this

greg k-h (on behaf of the Code of Conduct Committee)

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530. "Патчи от Байкал Электроникс отказались принимать в ядро Linu..."  +/
Сообщение от iZENemail (ok), 22-Мрт-23, 21:43 
> При этом SJWшники Линуса нарушений CoC не видят:
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 01:32:13PM +0500, Zigmund wrote:
>> Dear Code of Conduct Committee!

> greg k-h (on behaf of the Code of Conduct Committee)

"Ничего личного — просто бизнес". :)

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531. "Патчи от Байкал Электроникс отказались принимать в ядро Linu..."  +/
Сообщение от xsignal (ok), 23-Мрт-23, 12:44 
> greg k-h

Вот это особенно грустно... Такая галимая отписка в духе плохих чиновников от самого Грега...

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