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"CUCME 7.1 Не работает call Forwarding на внешние номера"
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Форум Маршрутизаторы CISCO и др. оборудование. (VoIP)
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"CUCME 7.1 Не работает call Forwarding на внешние номера"  +/
Сообщение от decrups (ok) on 14-Окт-10, 13:23 
Имеется CUCME 7.1.выход в город организован через SIP trunk.Входящие исходящие работают.
Работает call Forwarding на внутрение номера, а вот на городские и сотовые и тд. не хочет.При наборе внутренего номера на котором настроен call Forwarding получаем короткие гудки на телефоне надпись неизвестный номер.
sh call history voice last 2
DisconnectText=bearer capability not authorized (57)
debug ccsip calls
SIP Call statistics tracing is enabled
Oct 14 12:16:22.658 OMSST: //861/04F43C1F88A7/SIP/Call/sipSPICallInfo:
The Call Setup Information is:
Call Control Block (CCB) : 0x712E9B4C
State of The Call : STATE_DEAD
TCP Sockets Used : NO
Calling Number : 920202
Called Number : 739495
Source IP Address (Sig ):
Destn SIP Req Addr:Port :
Destn SIP Resp Addr:Port :
Destination Name :

Oct 14 12:16:22.658 OMSST: //861/04F43C1F88A7/SIP/Call/sipSPIMediaCallInfo:
Number of Media Streams: 1
Media Stream : 1
Negotiated Codec : No Codec
Negotiated Codec Bytes : 0
Nego. Codec payload : 255 (tx), 255 (rx)
Negotiated Dtmf-relay : 0
Dtmf-relay Payload : 0 (tx), 0 (rx)
Source IP Address (Media):
Source IP Port (Media): 19386
Destn IP Address (Media): -
Destn IP Port (Media): 0
Orig Destn IP Address:Port (Media): [ - ]:0

Oct 14 12:16:22.658 OMSST: //861/04F43C1F88A7/SIP/Call/sipSPICallInfo:
Disconnect Cause (CC) : 57
Disconnect Cause (SIP) : 403
из этого я так понял что запрещен call Forwarding на внешние номера без авторизации, я ничего такого на cucme не настраивал. Подскажите как решить проблему.Может еще дебаги какие включить?

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1. "CUCME 7.1 Не работает call Forwarding на внешние номера"  +/
Сообщение от uone (ok) on 14-Окт-10, 13:35 
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323

call-forward pattern .T

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2. "CUCME 7.1 Не работает call Forwarding на внешние номера"  +/
Сообщение от uone (ok) on 14-Окт-10, 13:37 
> voice service voip
>  allow-connections h323 to h323

allow-connections sip to sip

> telephony-service
>  call-forward pattern .T

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3. "CUCME 7.1 Не работает call Forwarding на внешние номера"  +/
Сообщение от decrups (ok) on 14-Окт-10, 14:55 

>  allow-connections sip to sip

Это было.

>> telephony-service
>>  call-forward pattern .T

Это добавил но не помогло.Та же ошибка DisconnectText=bearer capability not authorized (57).

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4. "CUCME 7.1 Не работает call Forwarding на внешние номера"  +/
Сообщение от decrups (ok) on 15-Окт-10, 09:16 

переадресацией не часто пользуются а тут вдруг всем и срочно.вроде как две недели назад все работало.за эти две недели в конфиге cucme ничего существенного не менял ну так по мелочи в основном настройки отдельных телефонов.как думаете может провайдеру вопрос задать может проблема у них или звонки в город и на 8 идут значит нет?
вот конфига.

! Last configuration change at 14:49:50 OMSST Wed Oct 13 2010 by microtest
! NVRAM config last updated at 15:50:28 OMSST Wed Oct 13 2010
version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service password-encryption
hostname Nvkz-auto-cr1
logging message-counter syslog
enable secret 5
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default enable
aaa session-id common
clock timezone OMST 6
clock summer-time OMSST recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00
clock calendar-valid
dot11 syslog
no ip source-route
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name autocenter.local
ip inspect tcp reassembly queue length 64
ip inspect name FW_out bittorrent
ip inspect name FW_out citrix
ip inspect name FW_out citriximaclient
ip inspect name FW_out ddns-v3
ip inspect name FW_out edonkey
ip inspect name FW_out ftp
ip inspect name FW_out ftps
ip inspect name FW_out fasttrack
ip inspect name FW_out gnutella
ip inspect name FW_out gopher
ip inspect name FW_out http
ip inspect name FW_out https
ip inspect name FW_out ica
ip inspect name FW_out icabrowser
ip inspect name FW_out icmp
ip inspect name FW_out igmpv3lite
ip inspect name FW_out imap
ip inspect name FW_out imap3
ip inspect name FW_out imaps
ip inspect name FW_out irc
ip inspect name FW_out irc-serv
ip inspect name FW_out isakmp
ip inspect name FW_out kazaa2
ip inspect name FW_out l2tp
ip inspect name FW_out ldap
ip inspect name FW_out ldap-admin
ip inspect name FW_out ldaps
ip inspect name FW_out nntp
ip inspect name FW_out ntp
ip inspect name FW_out dns
ip inspect name FW_out pop3
ip inspect name FW_out pop3s
ip inspect name FW_out qmtp
ip inspect name FW_out realaudio
ip inspect name FW_out rtsp
ip inspect name FW_out sip
ip inspect name FW_out sip-tls
ip inspect name FW_out smtp
ip inspect name FW_out tcp
ip inspect name FW_out udp
ip inspect name FW_out skinny
ip inspect name FW_out h323
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
voice-card 0
  codec complexity medium
  dsp services dspfarm
voice call send-alert
voice call convert-discpi-to-prog
no voice call carrier capacity active
voice rtp send-recv
voice service pots
  supported-language ru language-param 0
voice service voip
  notify redirect ip2pots
  clid substitute name
  dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
  media forking
  allow-connections h323 to h323
  allow-connections h323 to sip
  allow-connections sip to h323
  allow-connections sip to sip
  supplementary-service h450.12
  redirect ip2ip
  fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 5 hs-redundancy 2 fallback pass-through g711alaw
    ras rrq dynamic prefixes
    call start slow
    rel1xx disable
    header-passing error-passthru
    registrar server
    asymmetric payload full
    srtp negotiate cisco
    g729 annexb-all
    sip-profiles 1
    no call service stop
voice class codec 1
  codec preference 2 g711alaw
voice class codec 2
  codec preference 1 g729r8
voice class codec 3
  codec preference 1 g711alaw
  codec preference 2 g711ulaw
  codec preference 3 g729r8
voice class h323 5
    call start fast
voice class sip-profiles 1
  request INVITE sip-header SIP-Req-URI modify "3401" "Pa_xOOlCcCUn6K4hYxgN"
  request REINVITE sip-header SIP-Req-URI modify "3401" "Pa_xOOlCcCUn6K4hYxgN"
voice register global
  mode cme
  source-address port 5060
  max-dn 50
  max-pool 50
  timezone 40
  time-format 24
  date-format D/M/Y
  mwi stutter
  mwi reg-e164
  call-forward system redirecting-expanded
  external-ring bellcore-dr3
  tftp-path flash:
  logo AutoCenter
  file text
  create profile sync 0003840600954324
  network-locale RU
  user-locale RU
voice register dn 1
  number 3401
  allow watch
  name WF_User1
  refer target dial-peer
  label WF_User1
voice register pool 1
  id mac A87B.390A.E12D
  number 1 dn 1
  presence call-list
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte
  username 3401 password 3401
  description WF_User1
voice translation-rule 1
voice translation-rule 2
  rule 1 /9810/ /810/
voice translation-rule 3
  rule 1 /^....$/ /920202/
  rule 2 /921555/ /921555/
voice translation-rule 4
  rule 1 /^9\(0[1-49]$\)/ /\1/
  rule 2 /^9\(0[05-7]\)\(.$\)/ /\1\2/
  rule 3 /^9\([12345679]\)\(.....$\)/ /\1\2/
  rule 4 /^982\(.......$\)/ /82\1/
  rule 5 /^98\(..........$\)/ /8\1/
  rule 6 /^9810\(.*\)/ /810\1/
  rule 7 /^9\([23]\)\(....$\)/ /\1\2/
  rule 15 /^.*/ /#/
voice translation-rule 10
voice translation-rule 20
  rule 1 /^920166/ /3108/
voice translation-rule 30
  rule 1 /^920160/ /3321/
voice translation-rule 40
  rule 1 /^920202/ /3102/
voice translation-profile Internal_920160
  translate called 30
voice translation-profile Internal_920166
  translate called 20
voice translation-profile Internal_920202
  translate called 40
voice translation-profile International
  translate calling 3
  translate called 2
voice translation-profile Mobile
  translate called 1
  translate redirect-called 1
voice translation-profile National
  translate calling 3
  translate called 4
  service IVR920202 flash:IVR920202.tcl
    paramspace english index 0
    paramspace english language en
    param allow_pattern ....
    param operator_number 7900
    paramspace english prefix en
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1649885165
  enrollment selfsigned
  subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1649885165
  revocation-check none
  rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1649885165
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1649885165
  certificate self-signed 01 nvram:IOS-Self-Sig#1.cer
username microtest secret 5
  log config
ip tftp source-interface Loopback20
ip ssh version 2
interface Loopback0
  description === Main Loopback [Do Not delete or shutdown!] ===
  ip address
  ip nat inside
  ip virtual-reassembly
interface Loopback20
  description === SCCP ===
  ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
  description === Provider [RDTC] ===
  ip address 62.231.X.X
  ip access-group Raccess in
  no ip redirects
  ip nat outside
  ip inspect FW_out out
  ip virtual-reassembly
  ip tcp adjust-mss 1300
  carrier-delay msec 0
  duplex auto
  speed 100
  media-type rj45
  no cdp enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
  description === Nvkz-auto-dsw1 [Gi1/0/24] ===
  no ip address
  no ip redirects
  no ip proxy-arp
  ip virtual-reassembly
  carrier-delay msec 0
  duplex auto
  speed auto
  media-type rj45
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.105
  description === WF_SIP ===
  encapsulation dot1Q 105
  ip address
  no ip redirects
  no ip proxy-arp
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.109
  description === Inside ===
  encapsulation dot1Q 109
  ip address
  no ip redirects
  no ip proxy-arp
  ip nat inside
  ip virtual-reassembly
  ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 4
router ospf 1
  auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000
  timers throttle spf 10 100 5000
  timers lsa arrival 80
  passive-interface default
  no passive-interface GigabitEthernet0/1.109
  network area 0
  network area 0
  network area 0
  default-information originate metric 100 metric-type 1
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route 62.231.X.X name Internet
ip http server
ip http access-class 23
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:GUI

ip nat inside source static tcp 25 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 25
ip nat inside source static tcp 110 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 110
ip nat inside source static tcp 143 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 143
ip nat inside source static tcp 443 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 443
ip nat inside source static tcp 993 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 993
ip nat inside source static tcp 995 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 995
ip access-list extended NAT
  permit ip any
  permit ip any
  permit ip any
ip access-list extended Raccess
  remark = For mail =
  permit tcp any host 62.231.х.х eq smtp
  permit tcp any host 62.231.х.х eq pop3
  permit tcp any host 62.231.х.х eq 143
  permit tcp any host 62.231.х.х eq 993
  permit tcp any host 62.231.х.х eq 995
  permit tcp any host 62.231.х.х eq 443
  remark = For IP Telephony =
  permit udp host any eq 5060
  permit udp host any eq 5061
  permit udp host any range 16000 65535

access-list 23 permit
mgcp fax t38 ecm
sccp local Loopback20
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7.0
sccp ccm group 123
  associate ccm 1 priority 1
  associate profile 1 register mtp001
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
  codec g711ulaw
  codec g711alaw
  codec g729ar8
  codec g729abr8
  maximum sessions 8
  associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 201 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description Local and Emergency Services
  translation-profile outgoing National
  destination-pattern 90[1-49]$
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
dial-peer voice 202 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description Local and Emergency Services
  translation-profile outgoing National
  destination-pattern 90[05-7].$
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
dial-peer voice 203 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description 6-digits Local Calls
  translation-profile outgoing National
  destination-pattern ^9[1-79].....$
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
dial-peer voice 204 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description Long Distance Calls
  translation-profile outgoing National
  destination-pattern ^98[03-9].........$
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
dial-peer voice 205 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description International Calls
  translation-profile outgoing National
  destination-pattern ^9810...........T
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
dial-peer voice 251 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description For incoming calls_920202
  translation-profile incoming Internal_920202
  no voice-class sip early-offer forced
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  incoming called-number 920202
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
dial-peer voice 252 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description For incoming calls_920166
  translation-profile incoming Internal_920166
  no voice-class sip early-offer forced
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  incoming called-number 920166
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
dial-peer voice 253 voip
  tone ringback alert-no-PI
  description For incoming calls_920160
  translation-profile incoming Internal_920160
  no voice-class sip early-offer forced
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  incoming called-number 920160
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml sip-notify
  dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
  codec g711alaw
  fax rate 14400
  no vad
  timer receive-rtp 1200
  authentication username 920202 password 7 xxxxxxxx realm
  disable-early-media 180
  retry invite 3
  retry register 3
  sip-server ipv4:
  sdspfarm units 1
  sdspfarm transcode sessions 64
  sdspfarm tag 1 mtp001
  no auto-reg-ephone
  em keep-history
  fxo hook-flash
  max-ephones 150
  max-dn 500
  ip source-address port 2000
  service phone videoCapability 1
  timeouts interdigit 5
  timeouts ringing 60
  system message AutoCenter
  cnf-file location flash:
  user-locale RU load CME-locale-ru_RU-Russian-
  network-locale RU
  load 7915-12 B015-1-0-4.SBN
  load 7915-24 B015-1-0-4.SBN
  load 7906 SCCP11.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7911 SCCP11.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7921 CP7921G-1.2.1
  load 7925 CP7925G-1.3.1
  load 7931 SCCP31.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7937 apps37sccp.1-2-1-0.bin
  load 7941 SCCP41.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7942 SCCP42.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7945 SCCP45.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7961 SCCP41.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7962 SCCP42.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7965 SCCP45.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7970 SCCP70.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7971 SCCP70.8-4-2S.loads
  load 7975 SCCP75.8-4-2S.loads
  time-zone 41
  time-format 24
  date-format dd-mm-yy
  max-conferences 10 gain -6
  call-forward pattern .T
  web admin system name admin secret 5 $1$L1hB$0jDlCJp/6o5apzoQb0RUS0
  transfer-system full-consult
  transfer-pattern .T
  secondary-dialtone 9
  login timeout 60
  after-hours block pattern 1 98
  directory last-name-first
  create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jun 17 2010 15:17:10
ephone-template 1
  softkeys idle Redial Gpickup Cfwdall Newcall
  softkeys seized Redial Endcall Cfwdall Gpickup
  softkeys alerting Endcall
  softkeys connected Hold Trnsfer Confrn Endcall
ephone-template 2
  softkeys idle Cfwdall Gpickup Redial Newcall
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
  number 3001 no-reg both
  call-forward noan 7900 timeout 15
  hold-alert 30 originator
ephone-dn 33 dual-line
  number 3303 no-reg both
  hold-alert 30 originator
ephone 1
  device-security-mode none
  description Mikhail Kunitsky
  mac-address 0027.0DC0.2F8C
  type 7975
  button 1:1 2:10
  pin 3001
ephone 33
  device-security-mode none
  description Ivan Sokolov
  mac-address 6416.8D50.DCF7
  type 7911
  button 1:33
  pin 3303
voice-gateway system 1
  network-locale RU
  type VG202
  mac-address 001D.A2EA.B143
  voice-port 0,1
  create cnf-files
voice-gateway system 2
  network-locale RU
  type VG202
  mac-address 001F.CAC4.D378
  voice-port 0,1
  create cnf-files
line con 0
  exec-timeout 30 0
  logging synchronous
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
  exec-timeout 60 0
  transport input ssh
line vty 5 15
  exec-timeout 60 0
  transport input ssh
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp source Loopback0
ntp master 3
ntp update-calendar
ntp server
ntp server prefer
ntp server
ntp server

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Часть нити удалена модератором

6. "voip cooperation"  +/
Сообщение от decrups (ok) on 21-Окт-10, 13:52 
Вообщем проблема вылезла от  провайдера.Им поставщик оборудования обновил софт и теперь они внутренюю нумерацию нашу начали рубить.Помогло это
Ответить | Правка | Наверх | Cообщить модератору

7. "voip cooperation"  +/
Сообщение от decrups (ok) on 22-Окт-10, 06:35 
> Вообщем проблема вылезла от  провайдера.Им поставщик оборудования обновил софт и теперь
> они внутренюю нумерацию нашу начали рубить.Помогло это

До конца проблема не решилась.Форвард заработал только если с внутренего звонишь на телефон на котором настроена переадресация если с внешнего то тишина.
debug ccsip calls
Disconnect Cause (CC) : 16
Disconnect Cause (SIP) : 302

Ответить | Правка | ^ к родителю #6 | Наверх | Cообщить модератору

8. "voip cooperation"  +/
Сообщение от on 29-Июн-12, 09:56 
>> Вообщем проблема вылезла от  провайдера.Им поставщик оборудования обновил софт и теперь
>> они внутренюю нумерацию нашу начали рубить.Помогло это
> До конца проблема не решилась.Форвард заработал только если с внутренего звонишь на
> телефон на котором настроена переадресация если с внешнего то тишина.
> debug ccsip calls
> Disconnect Cause (CC) : 16
> Disconnect Cause (SIP) : 302

voice service voip
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
no supplementary-service sip refer

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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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