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"Началась разработка нового десктоп-окружения Moonlight, пост..."
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Присылайте удачные настройки в раздел примеров файлов конфигурации на
. "Get Involved" +/
Сообщение от zack24 (ok), 07-Фев-14, 15:07 
Don't worry Alexis,
We can also barely speak English here.

Let me share my opinion regarding your project.

1. It will be great if you could achieve the goal without including all crap software written so far for Linux into your DE. I will love it.
As I hope you understand systemd, policykit, pam, nepomuk, Networkmanager is a small list of it.

2. It will be still useful if you won't require to use that crap in your DE and keep it optional, for those who can't live without.

3. In all other cases I am afraid there is no space for your product among users.
People who don't care about having that crap are using Gnome3 and KDE already and who does will stay with xfce, like me.

So if your concept doesn't fit into first 2 items you are wasting your time.

P.S. And please don't use python or any other programming time machine to recall us our good old time.


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Началась разработка нового десктоп-окружения Moonlight, пост..., opennews, 05-Фев-14, 20:34  [смотреть все]
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