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"Представлен новый российский коммерческий дистрибутив РОСА ХРОМ 12"
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. "Представлен новый российский коммерческий дистрибутив РОСА Х..." +3 +/
Сообщение от Михрютка (ok), 16-Ноя-21, 19:35 
>>>I am writing this review to highlight the lightness of the operating system. Following several installations on a notebook that I use as a guinea pig, I found how heavy a Fedora 30 LXQT that with all applications closed consumed over 1 Gb of Ram, while Rosa Fresh 11 LXQT was enough about 600 Mb.
>>>The number and type of installation of the applications were identical but with the same sprint and hardware resources savings ROSA FRESH proved to be unbeatable.
>>>Rosa Fresh Council for those looking for a light system to use even on computers that is no longer in step with the times, that does not pay attention to frills but substance as stability, great availability of the software park. I also find it beautiful. :-)

I council ROSA for everyone use. Personal I use it since finish MGIMO.

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Представлен новый российский коммерческий дистрибутив РОСА ХРОМ 12, opennews, 16-Ноя-21, 11:41  [смотреть все]
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