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"Доступен GNUnet 0.11, фреймворк для построения защищённых P2..."
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. "Доступен GNUnet 0.11, фреймворк для построения защищённых P2..." +/
Сообщение от JL2001 (ok), 02-Мрт-19, 11:44 
> Docker для Windows? В WSL уже есть поддержка контейнеров?

я не знаю, походу не очень

Windows Client Preview
We have been very fortunate to have the collective effort of a few awesome Microsoft engineers to help us get the Docker Windows Client ready for an official release. It’s interesting to realize how much of your software is programmed for a certain operating system, so we are thankful to have the Windows expertise available to help guide us through the process.
The Windows Client can be used just like the Mac Client is today with a remote host. We even scaled out our testing infrastructure to accommodate Windows Client testing on every PR to the Engine.

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Доступен GNUnet 0.11, фреймворк для построения защищённых P2..., opennews, 28-Фев-19, 22:44  [смотреть все]
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