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"Аудит не выявил следов установки шпионских чипов в материнск..."
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Подсказка: Второй уровень иерархии тем в форуме реализован через вкладку "Показ ключевых тем".
. "Аудит не выявил следов установки шпионских чипов в материнск..." +1 +/
Сообщение от пох (?), 12-Дек-18, 14:23 
> Nobody needs the approvals, official papers.

nobody _gets_ official papers.
Even if such papers exists at first time.

> Because you WANT to believe it.

no. because we know some facts, and new rumors does not falls off the grid.
1. the China definitely make spyware, and they have the will, the authorities power and skills for it
2. the supermicro mostly controlled by chinese people
3. they production facilities are in mainland china
4. the equipment in question is highly specialized and the buyer can easily be traced

> The newspaper can say any crap from "anonymous source"

and "letters from CEO" will appeal. Also with anonymous source and common words. The letter which should be ten times checked for being clear and present situation for they benefits.

> Nice way to drop US sales of supermicro.

seems what they CEO somehow gets some profit out of it...

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Аудит не выявил следов установки шпионских чипов в материнск..., opennews, 11-Дек-18, 23:19  [смотреть все]
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