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. "Доступен новый гипервизор KSM" +/
Сообщение от flop (?), 02-Фев-17, 02:52 
> If you are trying to mimic Torvalds you should spend more time
> on learning how to use word "bullshit" well and, I believe,
> you lack Linus's entourage, you are really miss mailing list full
> of supporters.

Mimic Torvalds in what exactly?  I don't see what you're talking about.  I don't need supporters or mailing list to prove someone wrong.

> And... y'know, your sayings is not very smart. If we take into
> consideration, for instance, casts between different types in C, I could
> give you three examples of software were such casts are widely
> used _without_ any compiler warnings despite -Wall used: linux kernel, gtk+,
> enlightenment libraries. So, just take a look at those code and
> learn how to deal with casts properly.

You're wrong and yet again, try casting a function pointer to a void pointer (inverse works, too) under both GCC and MSVC, see what you get.   I do not have these warnings ignored under GCC, I have them ignored under MSVC, idiot.  Both GTK and Linux Kernel use GCC.

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Доступен новый гипервизор KSM, opennews, 30-Янв-17, 23:38  [смотреть все]
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