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"IOS нужен"
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. "3550 and 7200 ios need" +/
Сообщение от alish (?), 20-Дек-05, 20:04 
>>Сайко, а меня спасете c3620-io3-mz.12.3-16 ? :)
>Ты уверен, что это то что тебе нужно?
>Reason for Software Advisory:
>DDTS No(s):
>Headline: login/autoselect abort if 0x03 is received from the line
>Headline: ISDN call rate should provide numberic tabular output
>Headline: ST:Incoming LRQ carrier-id to be replaced with CLI configured
>Headline: memory leak at srv_encode_lcf_body
>Headline: MC3810: packets getting dropped in the priortiy queue
>Headline: channel is not released after DLCX from Call-agent
>Headline: ISDN ser b_chan 0 not putting IMT in state x -
>OK on one channel
>Headline: NAS sends ppp auth. request to aaa even though if-needed is
>Headline: Change password (enable) with external ACS (TACACS) is broken
>Headline: Spurious Memory Access at gk_rassrv_lrq()
>Headline: Passive FTP fails through nat.
>Headline: configuring an RTR HTTP Operation raw via SNMP results in a
>Headline: High CPU usage. Media Negotiation failure in 200 OK
>Headline: 12.3 Bus Error crash due to MPLS TDP process
>Maintenance DDTS[These are defects that did not cause this advisory, however fixes
>are included in the solution]:
>Может вот этот подойдет ;)
>File name c3620-io3-mz.123-17a.bin
>Min. Memory 48(MB)
>Min. Flash 16(MB)
>Date Released  14-DEC-2005
>Release 12.3.17a
>Size 8079404
>BSD Checksum 33005
>Router Checksum 0x6a59
>MD5 0746fbaef4d269571406f43d5797a3a5
>Date Published: 14-DEC-2005

этот тоже подойдет :)

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IOS нужен, Alex7, 21-Июл-05, 16:28  [смотреть все]
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