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"Раздел полезных советов: Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах ..."
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. "Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах Beceem в Linux" +/
Сообщение от hamidemail (?), 16-Дек-11, 01:13 
i think i messed's so confusing...first i run the and the modprobe command hangs up my pc....then i try the google-code drxvi314 and the modprobe drxvi314 do nothing...then i try the other google-code file and when the ubuntu wants to load,if the usb is connected pc will hang up it seems the modprobe automatically perform...and today from program files folder that is for my wimax connection in windows i understand that it has a firmware folder that contains maxvi.cfg AND MACXVI200.BIN.. :(((((  
now pls tell me something....first for macxvi200 what should i do ? can i undo ? and why  my pc hangs up on start up? pls help's so hard to work with linux without internet....spacial THX to  richman1000000 and  GreatFoolDad
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Раздел полезных советов: Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах ..., auto_tips, 25-Окт-10, 11:32  [смотреть все]
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