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"Компания Google опубликовала комплект для разработки модульн..."
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. "Компания Google опубликовала комплект для разработки модульн..." +4 +/
Сообщение от rob pike (?), 11-Апр-14, 12:10 
Тут Вангой быть не надо.

"One disappointment about the Project Ara MDK, however, is its license. Google may be releasing its specs and plans to the public, but there's nothing "open source" about this undertaking.

The Project Ara license [PDF] is six pages long and it stipulates all sorts of conditions, ranging from intellectual property cross-licensing terms, to forbidding developers from working on forks or projects derivative of Project Ara, to specifying how modules must store and manage users' private data. And Google reserves the right to unilaterally alter the terms of the license agreement when it releases new versions of the MDK."

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Компания Google опубликовала комплект для разработки модульн..., opennews, 11-Апр-14, 11:54  [смотреть все]
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