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"Релиз новой ветки проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 334.21"
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. "Релиз новой ветки проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 334.21" +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok), 03-Мрт-14, 22:43 
А чё самое весёлое в новость не добавили? Блобохейтеры и фанаты пальца Линуса негодуе...

- Fixed a regression in the NVIDIA kernel module which caused it to improperly
dereference a userspace pointer. This potential security issue was initially
reported to the public at:

- Fixed a bug that could cause OpenGL programs to hang after calling fork(2).

- Fixed a bug that could cause a multi-threaded OpenGL application to crash
  when one of its threads exits after the application has unloaded libGL.

- Fixed a bug in the GLX_EXT_buffer_age extension where incorrect ages would
  be returned unless triple buffering was enabled.

- Fixed a bug that could cause applications using the OpenGL extension
  ARB_query_buffer_object to crash under Xinerama.

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Релиз новой ветки проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 334.21, opennews, 03-Мрт-14, 20:54  [смотреть все]
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