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"OpenNews: Вышел postfix 2.2, обзор новшеств."
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. "Вышел postfix 2.2, обзор новшеств." +/
Сообщение от qwertyemail (??), 11-Мрт-05, 10:56 
What is Postfix Admin

Postfix Admin is a Web Based Management tool created for Postfix.
It is a PHP based application that handles Postfix Style Virtual Domains and Users that are stored in MySQL.

Postfix Admin supports:
- Virtual Mailboxes / Virtual Aliases / Forwarders.
- Domain to Domain forwarding / Catch-All.
- Vacation (auto-response) for Virtual Mailboxes.
- Quota / Alias & Mailbox limits per domain.
- Backup MX.
- Packaged with over 25 languages... (Thank you all for sending them!)

- Postfix 2.0 or higher.
- Apache 1.3.27 or higher.
- PHP 4.1 or higher.
- MySQL 3.23.xx or higher.

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OpenNews: Вышел postfix 2.2, обзор новшеств., opennews, 10-Мрт-05, 10:11  [смотреть все]
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