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"Атака Marvin для расшифровки RSA на основе измерения времени операций"
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. "Атака Marvin для расшифровки RSA на основе измерения времени..." –1 +/
Сообщение от seL4 (?), 01-Окт-23, 06:03

According to the search results, the cost of producing formally verified, high-assurance systems using seL4 is on the order of $200-400/LoC (Lines of Code) for critical code1
. However, the total cost for development of seL4 and its functional correctness proof is $362/LOC, which is low cost compared to the industry rule-of-thumb cost5
. Additionally, the cost of the proof for seL4 is higher, in total about 20 person years, which includes significant research and about 9 person years invested in formal language frameworks, proof tools4
. It is important to note that building a system on seL4 requires more work compared to building on other operating systems like Linux2

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Атака Marvin для расшифровки RSA на основе измерения времени операций, opennews, 30-Сен-23, 13:41  [смотреть все]
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