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"Выпуск операционной системы MidnightBSD 3.1"
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. "Выпуск операционной системы MidnightBSD 3.1" +/
Сообщение от Anon3 (?), 01-Сен-23, 22:05 
Ну если в новости не соответсвие с данными разработчиков:
2021 Update
We switched from GNUstep + Window Maker + GWorkspace to Xfce as our desktop environment. We still plan to maintain support for GNUstep environments as much as possible, but it's much easier to do integration with Xfce.
(original goal, recently changed) Integrate GNUstep into the system, but maintain BSD licensing on our own code whenever possible. The kernel and most userland software must be BSD licensed.
Currently using Xfce desktop environment as our standard desktop.
During the 2.0.x release cycle, we switched desktop environments to Xfce. This was in part due to user feedback that GNUstep + windowmaker was feeling dated and also some integration issues. We may change the default desktop in the future again, but currently have no plans to do so. GNUstep + windowmaker is still available for users who prefer that.
Known Issues
Mport package creation crashes on a few meta ports. We’re investigating this. GNUstep is one example. You can still install all the other GNUstep-related ports, just not the metaport.

то любая чушь в обсуждении, наименьшая из проблем для потенциальных пользователей MidnightBSD

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Выпуск операционной системы MidnightBSD 3.1, opennews, 30-Авг-23, 15:42  [смотреть все]
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