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"Проект GCC удостоен премии ACM "
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. "Проект GCC удостоен премии ACM " +/
Сообщение от rob pike (?), 15-Июн-14, 16:42 
Я думаю что на Javascript пишется на порядок меньше, а непропорциональное количество хайпа объясняется повышенной вокальностью писателей.

Кстати, о реальной жизни в разрезе С-С++ из USENIX 2001 года
>Another notable talk was by David Mazieres on a toolkit for user-level file systems. The toolkit, SFS, lets us write asynchronous RPC servers, e.g., user-level NFS daemons. Asynchronous RPC programming largely follows the continuation-passing style. The toolkit therefore relies on numerous C++ template hacks to create a closure (of a partially evaluated function), to capture continuations, and to do reference-counting-based automatic memory management. During the discussion, a person asked why such a helpful and needed toolkit as SFS hasn't been implemented before. David Mazieres replied that he first tried to write SFS in plain C. The complexity of memory management for closures and continuations was staggering. He gave up. It's only now, David Mazieres said, that C++ provides features such as partial template instantiation that make it possible to write memory management and continuation-handling hacks. This reply certainly begs a question of using a better language, with garbage collection, closures and continuations built in.

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Проект GCC удостоен премии ACM , opennews, 13-Июн-14, 00:07  [смотреть все]
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