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"Компания Google опубликовала комплект для разработки модульн..."
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. "Компания Google опубликовала комплект для разработки модульн..." +1 +/
Сообщение от rob pike (?), 11-Апр-14, 13:11 
Кстати. Для контекста.

>Paul Eremenko currently leads Project Ara at Google. Previously he was an associate vice president for Advanced Technology & Projects group at Motorola Mobility, where he led the development of Ara,
>Paul directed the Tactical Technology Office (TTO) at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Pentagon’s principal engine for disruptive innovation. TTO is DARPA’s systems office responsible for all X-plane, spacecraft, ground vehicle, and robotics programs, totalling approximately $500 million annually.
>Paul was an aerospace design engineer, the chief engineer for an unmanned aircraft program, and a management consultant focusing on technology, innovation, and M&A strategies. He has undergraduate and Master's degrees in aeronautics from MIT and Caltech, respectively, and a law degree from Georgetown University. Paul is also a licensed pilot.

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Компания Google опубликовала комплект для разработки модульн..., opennews, 11-Апр-14, 11:54  [смотреть все]
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