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"Стратегия параллельного поддержания веток Python 2 и Python ..."
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. "Стратегия параллельного поддержания веток Python 2 и Python ..." +1 +/
Сообщение от web (?), 31-Дек-13, 14:23 
ссылку для кого оставил?! в ней всё расписано:

There are numerous reasons for their removal/deprecation some of which are:
    - Technically hard to make work with the new CDN
        - The CDN is being donated to the PSF, and the donated tier does not offer any form of log access
        - The work around for not having log access would greatly reduce the utility of the CDN
    - Highly inaccurate
        - A number of things prevent the download counts from being inaccurate, some of which include:
            - pip download cache
            - Internal or unofficial mirrors
            - Packages not hosted on PyPI (for comparisons sake)
            - Mirrors or unofficial grab scripts causing inflated counts (Last I looked 25% of the downloads were from a known mirroring script).
    - Not particularly useful
        - Just because a project has been downloaded a lot doesn't mean it's good
        - Similarly just because a project hasn't been downloaded a lot doesn't mean it's bad

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Стратегия параллельного поддержания веток Python 2 и Python ..., opennews, 31-Дек-13, 10:56  [смотреть все]
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