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"Выпуск ReactOS 0.3.15"
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. "Выпуск ReactOS 0.3.15" +/
Сообщение от Гость (?), 31-Май-13, 12:45 
Походу вот это
"Many of the definitions and data structures that represent USB protocols were borrowed directly from Haiku, though the differing operating system design necessitated a great deal of glue to be written to make use of the code. Johannes also referenced Haiku’s USB stack to better understand the behavior of USB devices and subtleties that might not be entirely clear in the USB specifications, and also provided feedback to Haiku as he worked through the code."
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Выпуск ReactOS 0.3.15, opennews, 31-Май-13, 09:56  [смотреть все]
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