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"Проект KDE чудом не потерял содержимое всех Git-репозиториев"
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. "Проект KDE чудом не потерял содержимое всех Git-репозиториев" +/
Сообщение от Buy (ok), 25-Мрт-13, 22:59 
О! Они собираются перейти на ZFS )))

"We could use ZFS on the same way it’s being used on the box. ZFS has checksumming that detects errors both at the hardware and filesystem level (it is designed to operate on the very valid assumption that disks and memory are, or are going to go, bad; it’s relatively famous for detecting bad hardware that had previously been bit-flipping data silently for years). Its RAID-Z mechanism doesn’t suffer from the RAID Write Hole, it has excellent read performance given decent enough RAM, and it supports cheap Copy-on-Write snapshotting. The total size of all KDE Git repositories is about 25GB; it wouldn’t take a ton of space to make snapshotting directly on the server provide a decent benefit. I’d love to see this in use, but, after having had excellent experiences with it on Linux for a couple of years, I’m a ZFS fanboy at this point; and, I don’t know how well it’s supported on SUSE, which is the distribution is running (although I’ve run it on Gentoo, Debian, and Ubuntu without any problems)."

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Проект KDE чудом не потерял содержимое всех Git-репозиториев, opennews, 25-Мрт-13, 17:17  [смотреть все]
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