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"Проект Ubuntu анонсировал дисплейный сервер Mir, альтернатив..."
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. "Проект Ubuntu анонсировал дисплейный сервер Mir, альтернатив..." +/
Сообщение от BayaN (ok), 05-Мрт-13, 13:49 
Лёня тоже знатно отметился

Lennart Poettering, the Red Hat developer of systemd and PulseAudio fame, was quick to say, "I am sure 'Mir' is going to be a project with a fantastic future, just like bazaar, or Upstart, or Project Harmony before it." Lennart followed-up to himself with, "isn't Mir this thing that burnt and crashed into the South Pacific Ocean near Fiji on 23rd March, 2001, after some dudes in Russia flipped a switch after they gave it up? This must be metaphor for something, haven't figured out for what yet, though, must be something deeper than 'This software includes a space toilet and Canonical will give it up one day, when it will burn and crash and then we'll be in a south pacific paradise setting.'"

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Проект Ubuntu анонсировал дисплейный сервер Mir, альтернатив..., opennews, 05-Мрт-13, 09:50  [смотреть все]
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