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"Алан Кокс намерен сменить Fedora Linux на другой дистрибутив"
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. "Алан Кокс намерен сменить Fedora Linux на другой дистрибутив" +8 +/
Сообщение от абырemail (?), 23-Янв-13, 14:36 
Цитата из обзора:

"The smartphone crap is going too far. I can understand why you want to moronify the user interface for touch devices, but giving a touch-like interface to someone installing a desktop operating system is cretinous. On smartphones, no one will actually be installing anything, so they don't really need an interface. And on classic computing devices, this new presentation layer is shit. Utter nonsense. Enough with this crap. Enough. Stop it. Give it up already. Let normal people use their systems. I am not interested in this pseudo-touch pseudo-masturbation."

Воистину так !!!

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Алан Кокс намерен сменить Fedora Linux на другой дистрибутив, opennews, 23-Янв-13, 14:29  [смотреть все]
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