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"Релиз OpenBSD 5.2"
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. "Релиз OpenBSD 5.2" +4 +/
Сообщение от a (??), 02-Ноя-12, 18:17 
Доброго времени!
Большая просьба читать первоисточники, по мере возможностей!

Just as the original song professed its love for Brazil, "World, you'll love my Linux" is the passionate call of an idealistic dreamer who can't bear the thought of software that will only run under Windows, and yet loves the situation with software that will only run under particular Linux distributions.

This problem has proliferated itself into the standards bodies, with Posix adopting Linuxisms ahead of any other variant of Unix.

Posix and Unix have made it where you can write reasonably portable software and have it compile and run across a multitude of platforms. Now this seems to be changing as the love for Linux drives the standards bodies into accepting everything Linux, good and bad.

We also are faced with groups writing software that only works with particular distributions of Linux. From this we get software that not only isn't very portable, but often not particularly stable. Our idealistic dreamer in the song loves running one, or more than one distribution of Linux for a particular purpose. Unfortunately, the rest of us are left with the unattractive choice of doing the same, or relying on herculean efforts to port software that is being actively developed in a way to discourage porting it to other platforms.

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Релиз OpenBSD 5.2, opennews, 02-Ноя-12, 15:47  [смотреть все]
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