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"Компания Red Hat парировала патентный иск обвинением в наруш..."
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. "Компания Red Hat парировала патентный иск обвинением в наруш..." +2 +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 16-Сен-12, 23:35 
> Нет, напомните, что имеете в виду.

A famous example of reverse-engineering involves San Jose-based Phoenix Technologies Ltd., which in the mid-1980s wanted to produce a BIOS for PCs that would be compatible with the IBM PC's proprietary BIOS. (A BIOS is a program stored in firmware that's run when a PC starts up; see Technology QuickStudy, June 25.)

To protect against charges of having simply (and illegally) copied IBM's BIOS, Phoenix reverse-engineered it using what's called a "clean room," or "Chinese wall," approach. First, a team of engineers studied the IBM BIOS—about 8KB of code—and described everything it did as completely as possible without using or referencing any actual code. Then Phoenix brought in a second team of programmers who had no prior knowledge of the IBM BIOS and had never seen its code. Working only from the first team's functional specifications, the second team wrote a new BIOS that operated as specified.

The resulting Phoenix BIOS was different from the IBM code, but for all intents and purposes, it operated identically. Using the clean-room approach, even if some sections of code did happen to be identical, there was no copyright infringement. Phoenix began selling its BIOS to companies that then used it to create the first IBM-compatible PCs.

Сан-Хосе, помнится, ещё штаты. :)

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Компания Red Hat парировала патентный иск обвинением в наруш..., opennews, 15-Сен-12, 22:13  [смотреть все]
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