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"Debian опередил CentOS в рейтинге популярности ОС для web-се..."
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. "Идьётен оперделил CentOS в рейтинге популярности ОС для web-се." +1 +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 12-Янв-12, 11:14 
>У меня крупные проекты все на perl.

Повторяемся?? Повторяемся?? Ты в топ мильёне сайтов? Жалуйся в w3techs, если они ошиблись на твой счёт.

>Чем они их могут отличить что не на php не знаю.

Кого тут волнует твоё незнание? ""If we find a technology on any of the pages, it is considered to be used by the website. ""How do you know which technologies are used by a site?

Primarily, we use information provided by the site itself when downloading web pages. In other words, we fetch web pages very much like a search engine, and analyze the results. Additionally, we use publicly available information from sources such as Alexa and Google.

How exactly does your website analyzer work?

We search for specific patterns in the web pages that identify the usage of technologies, similarly to the way a virus scanner searches for patterns in a file to identify viruses. We use a combination of regular expressions and DOM traversal for this search. A lot of research was necessary to build the analyzer, and we keep improving it all the time. We want it to be the best possible website analyzer.
(Там есть "ещё".) ""...the information ... may be wrong.

... heuristics may occasionally lead to wrong conclusions.

may not detect technologies if they are used only on some pages of a websites, as we do not analyze each page of a website.
(Там есть "ещё"-2.)

В случае незнания аглицкого -- см.п.1.

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Debian опередил CentOS в рейтинге популярности ОС для web-се..., opennews, 11-Янв-12, 18:06  [смотреть все]
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