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"Релиз Linux-ядра 2.6.38"
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. "Релиз Linux-ядра 2.6.38" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 17-Мрт-11, 15:34 
Хыыы )) Чувак ответил (когда я привел 2 блокировки из патча и из ядра):

So you are suggesting to invoke blk_run_queue from within bfq_kick_queue. It seems the right thing to do, thanks.
The only problem might be that, in this way, a further API dependency is added. I will think about it when I will release BFQ for 2.6.38.

Ну а когда я спросил, мол, будет ли нормально работать с автогруппировкой, ответил следующее:

I did not have (and probably will not have) the time to integrate the BFQ cgroups mechanism (whose code and has been actually used to implement cgroups within CFQ) with the rest of the system, so I guess BFQ does not profit from Autogrouping. But I did not check. If you performed or want to perform any test, I will be happy to hear about your results.

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Релиз Linux-ядра 2.6.38, opennews, 15-Мрт-11, 13:42  [смотреть все]
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