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"Раздел полезных советов: Загрузка нескольких iso-образов с о..."
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. "Загрузка нескольких iso-образов с одного USB Flash c файловой системой VFAT" +/
Сообщение от tm1email (?), 15-Фев-12, 17:44 
# This is a sample menu.lst file. You should make some changes to it.
# The old install method of booting via the stage-files has been removed.
# Please install GRLDR boot strap code to MBR with the
# utility under DOS/Win9x or Linux.
# grub4dos 0.4.3 (2007-11-24)
# menu.lst (short) version 0.4.peldr & boot iso (2011-11-22-01)

color blue/cyan yellow/blue
timeout 5
default /default

  ### use the following for reference, uncomment(#) and change as needed

## splashimage /grub/robin.xpm.gz
## splashimage /boot/grub/robin.xpm.gz
## splashimage /robin.xpm.gz
## splashimage /grub/splash.xpm.gz
## splashimage /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
## splashimage /splash.xpm.gz

title (* Windows XP) find and load NTLD_ of Windows NT/2K/XP
  fallback 1
  find --set-root /ntld_
  chainloader /ntld_
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (** Windows XP) load NTLDR of Windows NT/2K/XP at (hd0,1)
  fallback 2
  root (hd0,1)
  chainloader /ntldr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (*** Windows XP) find and load NTLDR of Windows NT/2K/XP
##   fallback 0
  find --set-root /ntldr
  chainloader /ntldr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   find --set-root /
  savedefault --wait=2

title (* Windows Vista) find and load bnmqj.mbr (ULoader) of Vista/7/8
  fallback 4
  find --set-root /bnmqj.mbr
  chainloader /bnmqj.mbr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (** Windows Vista) load BOOTMGR of Vista/7/8 at (hd0,1)
  fallback 5
  root (hd0,1)
  chainloader /bootmgr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (*** Windows Vista) find and load BOOTMGR of Vista/7/8
##   fallback 0
  find --set-root /bootmgr
  chainloader /bootmgr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   find --set-root /WINDOWS/system32/config/system
  savedefault --wait=2

title (* MacOS Leopard) boot MacOS chainloader at (hd0,0)
##   fallback 0
  rootnoverify (hd0,0)
  chainloader +1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (** MacOS Leopard) boot MacOS chainloader at (hd0,1)
##   fallback 0
  rootnoverify (hd0,1)
  chainloader +1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (*** MacOS Leopard) boot MacOS chainloader at (hd0,2)
##   fallback 0
  rootnoverify (hd0,2)
  chainloader +1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (**** MacOS Leopard) boot MacOS chainloader at (hd0,3)
##   fallback 0
  rootnoverify (hd0,3)
  chainloader +1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title Start Windows XP if it's on second hard disk (hd1,2)
  ### ntldr/ won't start if are not on first disk, first active partition, thus the mapping
  map (hd1) (hd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  rootnoverify (hd0,2)
  chainloader /ntldr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title Start Windows XP if it's on second hard disk (hd1,1)
  ### ntldr/ won't start if are not on first disk, first active partition, thus the mapping
  map (hd1) (hd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  rootnoverify (hd0,1)
  chainloader /ntldr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title Start Windows XP if it's on second hard disk (hd1,0)
  ### ntldr/ won't start if are not on first disk, first active partition, thus the mapping
  map (hd1) (hd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  rootnoverify (hd0,0)
  chainloader /ntldr
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  savedefault --wait=2

title (*) commandline (menu.lst 2011-11-22-01)
##   savedefault --wait=2

title (** Extended menu) find and load /boot/grub/menu_all.lst
##   fallback 14
  find --set-root /boot/grub/menu_all.lst
  configfile /boot/grub/menu_all.lst
  savedefault --wait=2

## title Boot Windows NT/2K/XP NTLDR on partition #1 of first hard drive!
##   chainloader --edx=0x0080 (hd0,0)/ntldr
##   cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
## title Boot Windows Vista Bootmgr on partition #1 of first hard drive!
##   chainloader --edx=0x0080 (hd0,0)/bootmgr
##   cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
## title Boot Windows NT/2K/XP NTLDR on partition #1 of second hard drive!
##   chainloader --edx=0x0081 (hd1,0)/ntldr
##   cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
## title Boot Windows Vista Bootmgr on partition #1 of second hard drive!
##   chainloader --edx=0x0081 (hd1,0)/bootmgr
##   cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
## title DesktopBSD (hd0,2,a)
##   fallback 1
##   root (hd0,2,a)
##   makeactive
##   chainloader +1

title find and load /MININT/SETUPLDR.BIN of Windows NT/2K/XP (PELDR)
##   fallback 1
  find --set-root /MININT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  chainloader /MININT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  rootnoverify ()
  ### write string "minint" to memory 0000:7C03 in 2 steps:
  ### step 1. Write 4 chars "mini" at 0000:7C03
  write 0x7C03 0x696E696D
  ### step 2. Write 2 chars "nt" and an 2 ending null at 0000:7C07
  write 0x7C07 0x0000746E
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   savedefault --wait=2

title find and load /A386NT/SETUPLDR.BIN of Windows NT/2K/XP (with drivers)
##   fallback 1
  find --set-root /A386NT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  chainloader /A386NT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  rootnoverify ()
  ### write string "minint" to memory 0000:7C03 in 2 steps:
  ### step 1. Write 4 chars "mini" at 0000:7C03
  write 0x7C03 0x696E696D
  ### step 2. Write 2 chars "nt" and an 2 ending null at 0000:7C07
  write 0x7C07 0x0000746E
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   savedefault --wait=2

title find and load /A386NT/SETUPLNS.BIN of Windows NT/2K/XP (safe mode)
##   fallback 1
  find --set-root /A386NT/SETUPLNS.BIN
  chainloader /A386NT/SETUPLNS.BIN
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  rootnoverify ()
  ### write string "minint" to memory 0000:7C03 in 2 steps:
  ### step 1. Write 4 chars "mini" at 0000:7C03
  write 0x7C03 0x696E696D
  ### step 2. Write 2 chars "nt" and an 2 ending null at 0000:7C07
  write 0x7C07 0x0000746E
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   savedefault --wait=2

title find and load /AWPENT/SETUPLDR.BIN of Windows NT/2K/XP
##   fallback 1
  find --set-root /AWPENT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  chainloader /AWPENT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  rootnoverify ()
  ### write string "minint" to memory 0000:7C03 in 2 steps:
  ### step 1. Write 4 chars "mini" at 0000:7C03
  write 0x7C03 0x696E696D
  ### step 2. Write 2 chars "nt" and an 2 ending null at 0000:7C07
  write 0x7C07 0x0000746E
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   savedefault --wait=2

title find and load /CMDCONS/SETUPLDR.BIN of Windows NT/2K/XP (CMDLDR)
  ### ! Note! File = 47596 bytes, only after trial and error I managed to download it with this file
  ### Need on USB or HDD - folder cmdcons, file bootfont.bin, (47,596 bytes)
##   fallback 2
  find --set-root /CMDCONS/SETUPLDR.BIN
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  rootnoverify ()
  ### write string "cmdcons" to memory 0000:7C03 in 2 steps:
  ### step 1. Write 4 chars "cmdc" at 0000:7C03
  write 0x7C03 0x63646D63
  ### step 2. Write 3 chars "ons" and an ending null at 0000:7C07
  write 0x7C07 0x00736E6F
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   savedefault --wait=2

title find and load /I396NT/SETUPLDR.BIN of Windows NT/2K/XP (PassWare)
##   fallback 2
  find --set-root /I396NT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  chainloader /I396NT/SETUPLDR.BIN
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  rootnoverify ()
  ### write string "minint" to memory 0000:7C03 in 2 steps:
  ### step 1. Write 4 chars "mini" at 0000:7C03
  write 0x7C03 0x696E696D
  ### step 2. Write 2 chars "nt" and an 2 ending null at 0000:7C07
  write 0x7C07 0x0000746E
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   savedefault --wait=2

title find and boot XP Recovery Console bootcd emulation (/XPRC/) with WinVBlock
  ### ! Note! Also, even if you Unattended package and letter “R” on the screen
  ### does not appear, you can download the Recovery Console by pressing the F10 key
  ### many times (click for copying files windows, ie when the center began text
  ### version of the “setup”, where the blue screen)
  find --set-root /winvblock/winvblock.ima.gz
  map --floppies=1
  map --mem --read-only /winvblock/winvblock.ima.gz (fd0)
  find --set-root /XPRC/XPRC.iso
  map --mem --read-only /XPRC/XPRC.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  ### Also in the archive I have included a special version of memdisk from syslinux
  ### that allows ISO to load into memory (such as command map)
  ### the latest version of syslinux 3.82 does not contain this memdisk (even a version 4.00beta)
##   kernel /XPRC/memdisk iso
##   initrd /XPRC/XPRC.iso
  ls (fd0)/firadisk.sys
  pause If you have an AHCI HDD you MUST press F6 when prompted, then hit S to select WinVBlock or FiraDisk (recommended) driver, then hit S again to select your AHCI driver (e.g. Atom Netbook=WinVBlock+ICH7R/DH, DQ67 series 6=FiraDisk+Desktop,Workstation,Server Express)
  pause Now quickly hit [Enter] twice (and then F6 if you need to install an AHCI driver) ...

## title find and load IO.SYS of Windows 9x/Me
##   fallback 3
##   find --set-root /io.sys
##   chainloader /io.sys
##   savedefault --wait=2
## title find and boot Mandriva with menu.lst already installed
##   fallback 4
##   find --set-root /etc/mandriva-release
##   savedefault --wait=2
##   configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst
## title find and boot Linux with menu.lst already installed
##   fallback 5
##   find --set-root /sbin/init
##   savedefault --wait=2
##   configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst
## title floppy (fd0)
##   chainloader (fd0)+1
##   rootnoverify (fd0)
##   savedefault --wait=2
## title back to dos
##   savedefault --wait=2
##   quit

title reboot
##   savedefault --wait=2

title halt
##   savedefault --wait=2

title Start PLoP boot manager\nYou may want to try it if your computer boots from USB slowly.\nOnce booted,select USB from its menu to load USB 2.0 drivers.\nPlease report any issues to its author -
  find --set-root --ignore-cd /plpbt.bin
  kernel /plpbt.bin
  savedefault --wait=2

title boot from cd\dvd
  cdrom --init
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (cd0)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and boot Slax Linux Live 6.x.x (/slax/boot/)
  find --set-root /slax/boot/initrd.gz
  help kernel /slax/boot/vmlinuz sgnfile=livecd.sgn nokeymap nodhcp acpi=off noauto load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=6666 max_loop=255 init=/linuxrc root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=769
  kernel /slax/boot/vmlinuz sgnfile=livecd.sgn nokeymap ramdisk_size=6666 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=769 copy2ram autoexec=xconf;telinit~4
  initrd /slax/boot/initrd.gz

## title find and boot Boot Slax Linux Live 6.0.0pre10 (/slax1/boot/)
##   find --set-root /slax1/boot/initrd.gz
##   kernel /slax1/boot/vmlinuz sgnfile=livecd1.sgn nokeymap load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=4444 max_loop=255 init=/linuxrc root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=769
##   initrd=/slax1/boot/initrd.gz
## title ----------------------- ( RIPLinux - rip1 ) -----------------------
##   help
title find and boot Linux rescue system! (10 sec to load; /rip1/)
  find --set-root /rip1/rootfs.cgz
  kernel /rip1/kernel root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=normal acpi=off
  initrd /rip1/rootfs.cgz

## title Boot Linux rescue system! (skip keymap prompt) (non-initramfs method) (hd0,0)
##   root (hd0,0)
##   kernel /rip1/kernel nokeymap rip_dev=/dev/hda1,/rip1/rootfs.cgz init=/linuxrc root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=normal acpi=off
##   initrd /rip1/initrd.gz
## title find and boot FreeBSD rescue system!
##   find --set-root /rip1/freebsd.img
##   kernel /rip1/memdisk
##   initrd /rip1/freebsd.img harddisk h=16 s=63 noedd
## title ----------------------- ( RIPLinuX - rip2 ) -----------------------
##   help
title find and boot LinuX rescue system! (30 sec to load; /rip2/)
  find --set-root /rip2/rootfs.cgz
  kernel /rip2/kernel root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=normal acpi=off
  initrd /rip2/rootfs.cgz

## title Boot Linux rescue system! (skip keymap prompt) (non-initramfs method) (hd0,0)
##   root (hd0,0)
##   kernel /rip2/kernel nokeymap rip_dev=/dev/sda1,/rip2/rootfs.cgz root=/dev/ram0 rw init=/linuxrc vga=normal acpi=off
##   initrd /rip2/initrd.gz
## title Boot Linux rescue system to X! (skip keymap prompt)
##   find --set-root /rip2/rootfs.cgz
##   kernel /rip2/kernel xlogin1 nokeymap root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=normal acpi=off
##   initrd /rip2/rootfs.cgz
## title --------------------------- ( Various ) ---------------------------
##   help
## title find and boot SystemRescueCd-0.4.x from hard-disk (/sysrcd/)
##   find --set-root /sysrcd/sysrcd.dat
##   help kernel /sysrcd/rescuecd subdir=sysrcd setkmap=us vga=normal
##   kernel /sysrcd/rescuecd docache subdir=sysrcd cdroot=/dev/hda1 setkmap=us vga=normal
##   initrd /sysrcd/rescuecd.igz
title find and boot SystemRescueCd-1.5.8 from hard-disk (/sysrcd/) VESA noACPI
  find --set-root /sysrcd/sysrcd.dat
  help kernel /sysrcd/isolinux/rescuecd docache subdir=sysrcd setkmap=us vga=normal rootpass=xxx dhcphostname=xxx dodhcp acpi=off
  kernel /sysrcd/isolinux/rescuecd docache subdir=sysrcd cdroot=/dev/hda1 setkmap=us scandelay=1 vga=791 dostartx forcevesa rootpass=xxx acpi=off
  initrd /sysrcd/isolinux/initram.igz
  savedefault --wait=2

title find and boot SystemRescueCd-1.5.8 from hard-disk (/sysrcd/) VESA DHCP
  find --set-root /sysrcd/sysrcd.dat
  kernel /sysrcd/isolinux/rescuecd docache subdir=sysrcd cdroot=/dev/hda1 setkmap=us scandelay=1 vga=791 dostartx forcevesa rootpass=xxx dodhcp dhcphostname=xxx acpi=off
  initrd /sysrcd/isolinux/initram.igz
  savedefault --wait=2

## title find and boot BackTrack 3 Linux Live (/BT3/)
##   find --set-root /BT3/boot/initrd.gz
##   kernel /BT3/boot/vmlinuz nokeymap load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=6666 max_loop=255 init=/linuxrc root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=769
##   initrd /BT3/boot/initrd.gz
title find and boot SuperDOS rescue system!\n (/bin32/floppies/; /bin32/SuperDOS/)
  find --set-root /bin32/SuperDOS/pqvf.vfd
  kernel /bin32/floppies/memdisk
  initrd /bin32/SuperDOS/pqvf.vfd

title find and boot Paragon Partition Manager 8.5 Prof bootcd emulation\n (/bin32/ppm85pro/)
  find --set-root /bin32/ppm85pro/ppm85pro.iso
  help map --mem --read-only (hd0,0)/bin32/ppm85pro/ppm85pro.iso (hd32)
  map --mem --read-only /bin32/ppm85pro/ppm85pro.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1

title find and boot Paragon Partition Manager 10.0 Server bootcd emulation\n (/bin32/ppm100pr/)
  find --set-root /bin32/ppm100pr/ppm100pr.iso
  help map --mem --read-only (hd0,0)/bin32/ppm100pr/ppm100pr.iso (hd32)
  map --mem --read-only /bin32/ppm100pr/ppm100pr.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1

title find and boot Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server 9.7 RU UR\n bootcd emulation (/img/)
  find --set-root /img/atiesru.iso
  help map --mem --read-only (hd0,0)/img/atiesru.iso (hd32)
  map --mem --read-only /img/atiesru.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1

title find and boot Acronis Disk Director Server 10 RU\n bootcd emulation (/img/)
  find --set-root /img/addsrvru.iso
  help map --mem --read-only (hd0,0)/img/addsrvru.iso (hd32)
  map --mem --read-only /img/addsrvru.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1

title find and boot PQ PartitionMagic 8 for DOS (/bin32/floppies/)
  find --set-root /bin32/floppies/pqm8dos.ima
  kernel /bin32/floppies/memdisk
  initrd /bin32/floppies/pqm8dos.ima

## title memdrive duplicated from floppy image file (hd0,0)/sbm.bin
##   map --mem (hd0,0)/sbm.bin (fd0)
##   map --hook
##   chainloader (fd0)+1
##   rootnoverify (fd0)
##   savedefault --wait=2
## title memdrive based on win98 partition (hd0,6)
##   map --mem (hd0,6)+1 (hd0)
##   # map --mem (hd0,0)/win98.gz (hd0)
##   map --hook
##   chainloader (hd0)+1
##   rootnoverify (hd0)
##   savedefault --wait=2
## title memdrive based on FreeBSD rescue system (hd0,4)
##   map --mem --read-only --heads=16 --sectors-per-track=63 (hd0,4)/rip1/freebsd.img (hd0)
##   map --hook
##   cat --hex (hd0)+1
##   map --status
##   chainloader (hd0)+1
##   rootnoverify (hd0)
title find and boot FreeBSD 6.4 bootcd emulation\n (/_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/)
  find --set-root /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/FreeBSD-6.4/6.4-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso
  map --mem --read-only /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/FreeBSD-6.4/6.4-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and boot FreeBSD 7.2 bootcd emulation\n (/_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/)
  find --set-root /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/FreeBSD-7.2/7.2-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso
  map --mem --read-only /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/FreeBSD-7.2/7.2-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and boot FreeBSD 8.1 bootcd emulation\n (/_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/)
  find --set-root /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/FreeBSD-8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso
  map --mem --read-only /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/FreeBSD-8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and boot Frenzy 1.2 ru (Lifeforce) bootcd emulation\n (/_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/Frenzy/)
  find --set-root /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/Frenzy/frenzy-1.2-lite-ru.iso
  map --mem --read-only /_CD_Image_/FreeBSD-iso/Frenzy/frenzy-1.2-lite-ru.iso (hd32)
  map --hook
  map --status
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  chainloader (hd32)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and boot Frenzy 1.2 ru (Lifeforce) hdd emulation\n (/frenzy/)
  find --set-root /frenzy/frenzy-1.2-lite-ru.img
  map --mem --read-only /frenzy/frenzy-1.2-lite-ru.img (hd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (hd0,0)+1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  rootnoverify (hd0,0)

title find and boot Frenzy 1.2.1 ru (Reincarnation) hdd emulation\n (/frenzy/)
  find --set-root /frenzy/frenzy-1.2.1-reincarnation-ru-release.img
  map --mem --read-only /frenzy/frenzy-1.2.1-reincarnation-ru-release.img (hd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (hd0,0)+1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  rootnoverify (hd0,0)
  savedefault --wait=2

title find and boot Frenzy 1.3.1 ru (ju) hdd emulation\n (/frenzy/)
  find --set-root /frenzy/frenzy-1.3.1-ju-release-rus.img
  map --mem --read-only /frenzy/frenzy-1.3.1-ju-release-rus.img (hd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (hd0,0)+1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
##   cat --hex (hd32)+1
  rootnoverify (hd0,0)
  savedefault --wait=2

title find and boot Hiren's BootCD 10.5
  find --set-root /hbcd/hiren.ima (fd0)
  map --mem --read-only /hbcd/hiren.ima (fd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (fd0)+1
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63
  rootnoverify (fd0)
  map --floppies=1

title find and boot ERD Commander 5.0 for Windows XP / Windows 2003
  find --set-root /erd/erd50.iso
  map --mem --read-only /erd/erd50.iso (0xff)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (0xff)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and boot ERD Commander 6.0 for Windows Vista / Windows 2008
  find --set-root /erd/erd60.iso
  map --mem --read-only /erd/erd60.iso (0xff)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (0xff)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and boot ERD Commander 6.5 for Windows 7 / Windows 2008 RC2
  find --set-root /erd/erd65.iso
  map --mem --read-only /erd/erd65.iso (0xff)
  map --hook
  map --status
  chainloader (0xff)
  cat --hex --skip=0x7c00 (md)0x0+63

title find and list Mass Storage PCI IDs (runs checkpci from FreeDos)
  find --set-root /winvblock/PCIID.ima.gz
  map --mem --read-only /winvblock/PCIID.ima.gz (fd0)
  map --hook
  map --status
  root (fd0)
  chainloader (fd0)+1

title find and boot Dr.Web LiveCD (Default)
  find --set-root /boot/module/drweb_bases.dwm
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz DEBUG=1 ID=XiIJ9teVVYjNuE51 root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc init_opts=4 quiet vga=791 splash=silent,theme:drweb CONSOLE=/dev/tty1
  initrd /boot/initrd

title find and boot Dr.Web LiveCD (Advanced)
  find --set-root /boot/module/drweb_bases.dwm
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz DEBUG=1 ID=XiIJ9teVVYjNuE51 root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc init_opts=3 quiet CONSOLE=/dev/tty1
  initrd /boot/initrd

title Moblin (
  rootnoverify (hd0,1)
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=/dev/sda2 quiet vga=current fastboot acpi_osi=Linux pci=nomsi i8042.reset
  initrd /boot/initrd.bin

title Linpus Recovery Lite
  rootnoverify (hd0,1)
  kernel /boot/bzImage.grub rw root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=128000 vga=0x314 init=/linuxrc quiet loglevel=0 root_lp=/dev/sda2 d2d_lp=/dev/sda1 swap_lp= acpi=off i8042.nokbd
  initrd /boot/initrd.bin

### EoF ###

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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