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"Положение Mono в свете неопределенной патентной ситуации"
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. "Положение Mono в свете неопределенной патентной ситуации" +/
Сообщение от Трухин Юрий Владимирович (?), 18-Окт-09, 01:07 
>>Mono - продукт Novell.
>Надо же а я думал свободный продукт, а оказывается проприентарщина.

The C# compiler is dual-licensed under the MIT/X11 license and the GNU General Public License ( (GPL).
The tools are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License ( (GPL).
The runtime libraries are under the GNU Library GPL 2.0 ( (LGPL 2.0).
The class libraries are released under the terms of the MIT X11 ( license.
ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET AJAX client software are released by Microsoft under the open source Microsoft Permissive License (
Both the Mono runtime and the Mono C# Compiler are also available under a proprietary license for those who can not use the LGPL and the GPL in their code.

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Положение Mono в свете неопределенной патентной ситуации, opennews, 16-Окт-09, 10:21  [смотреть все]
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