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"OpenNews: Linux устоял перед атаками хакеров на соревновании по взлому"
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. "Linux устоял перед атаками хакеров на соревновании по взлому" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (35), 31-Мрт-08, 11:51 
Вернее, даже так:
Day 1: March 26th: Remote pre-auth
All laptops will be open only for Remotely exploitable Pre-Auth vulnerabilities which require no user interaction. First one to pwn it, receives the laptop and a $20,000 cash prize.
The pwned machine(s) will be taken out of the contest at that time.

Day 2: March 27th: Default client-side apps
The attack surfaces increases to also include any default installed client-side applications which can be exploited by following a link through email, vendor supplied IM client or visiting a malicious website. First one to pwn it receives the laptop and a $10,000 cash prize.
The pwned machine(s) will be taken out of the contest at that time.

Day 3: March 28th: Third Party apps
Assuming the laptops are still standing, we will finally add some popular 3rd party client applications to the scope. That list will be made available at CanSecWest, and will be also posted here on the blog. First to pwn it receives the laptop and a $5,000 cash prize.

MacOS X ломанули во второй день, а Windows Vista - в третий.

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OpenNews: Linux устоял перед атаками хакеров на соревновании по взлому, opennews, 29-Мрт-08, 19:53  [смотреть все]
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