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"OpenNews: Разработчики OpenBSD занялись исправлением ошибок в процессоре Intel Core 2"
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. "rootkit в CPU" +/
Сообщение от uF0 (?), 02-Июл-07, 09:04 
Не, я о
AMT allows for the following funcitons among others:
* Monitor and control (filter) the network traffic - before/under the
running operatingsystem
* sending out patches to computers - even if they are turned off.
* Control, upgrade, change, add and remove software
* isolate and shutdown computers infected with viruses
* control on/off of the power supply
* re-route hdd access to a location on the network
* re-route mouse, keyboard, screen and other extras to a location on the network
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OpenNews: Разработчики OpenBSD занялись исправлением ошибок в процессоре Intel Core 2, opennews, 29-Июн-07, 13:52  [смотреть все]
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