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"Выпуск 9front 10522, ответвления от операционной системы Plan 9"
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. "Выпуск 9front 10522, ответвления от операционной системы Pla..." +/
Сообщение от n00by (ok), 10-Май-24, 16:17 
Так то был ответ пользователя.

Вот другой:

Haiku, Inc.
Jul 2021

Actually Haiku already has most of the pieces in place. The kernel and file system supports the idea of multiple users just fine. The launch_daemon currently calls an auto_login program before starting a session for the user. That could be replaced with something which asks for a username and password. Some aspects of how the home directory works might need to be changed but probably not too much. Packages can currently be installed globally or per user. We may want to enable the concept of sudo both in the terminal and the GUI.

Having multiple people logged in at once and quickly switching between them is probably doable but may require more work.

All the above could be opt-in and if someone wants to run the system as it currently works that is fine.

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Выпуск 9front 10522, ответвления от операционной системы Plan 9, opennews, 08-Май-24, 14:39  [смотреть все]
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