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"Выпуск дистрибутива Raspberry Pi OS, переведённый на Debian 12, PipeWire и Wayland"
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. "Выпуск дистрибутива Raspberry Pi OS, переведённый на Debian ..." +/
Сообщение от НяшМяш (ok), 12-Окт-23, 17:50 
> This is the first time we’ve officially supported Firefox — previously, the only version available was an old version from Debian, whereas we’ve now done a lot of work to ensure the best possible experience when running the latest version of Firefox on Raspberry Pi. We’ve worked closely with Mozilla and the Firefox community, and we’re contributing our work upstream to benefit Firefox users on all platforms.

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Выпуск дистрибутива Raspberry Pi OS, переведённый на Debian 12, PipeWire и Wayland, opennews, 12-Окт-23, 12:22  [смотреть все]
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