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"Компания Apple опубликовала код ядра и системных компонентов macOS 13.4 и 13.5"
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. "Компания Apple опубликовала код ядра и системных компонентов..." +4 +/
Сообщение от Аноним84701 (ok), 15-Авг-23, 23:09 
> А почему эппловское ядро не используется в альтернативных ОС?

Возможно, потому что не всем нравится игра "... а сегодня мы передумали и закрыли код, сосите, э-э, лапу".
> Through the open source model, Apple engineers and the open source community collaborate to create better, faster and more reliable products for our users.
> Apple's open source projects allow developers to customize and enhance key Apple software.
> Through the open source model, Apple engineers and the open source community collaborate to create better, faster and more reliable products
> Apple says that the state of an OS X-compatible open source x86 Darwin kernel is "in flux."
> Over the past few years, OpenDarwin has become a mere hosting facility for Mac OS X related projects.
> The original notions of developing the Mac OS X and Darwin sources has not panned out.
> Availability of sources, interaction with Apple representatives, difficulty building and tracking sources, and a lack of interest from the community have all contributed to this. Administering a system to host other people's projects is not what the remaining OpenDarwin contributors had signed up for

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Компания Apple опубликовала код ядра и системных компонентов macOS 13.4 и 13.5, opennews, 15-Авг-23, 22:08  [смотреть все]
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