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"Mozilla запустила проект для развития открытых систем машинного обучения "
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. "Mozilla запустила проект для развития открытых си..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (55), 23-Мрт-23, 17:40 
Do you know what Q-transform is in DSP and when it's used for audio applications?
The Quadratic Transform (Q transform) is a linear transformation that maps the power spectrum of an input signal to its energy distribution. It can be applied on any discrete time series, but most commonly we use Q-transform in DSP and when it's used for audio applications (????????)
Yes, I can help you with that! The Q-transform, also known as the constant-Q transform (CQT), is a type of signal processing technique used in digital signal processing (DSP) to analyze audio signals.

The Q-transform is a variation of the Fourier transform that uses a logarithmically spaced frequency axis, as opposed to the linearly spaced frequency axis of the traditional Fourier transform. This logarithmic spacing results in a higher resolution at lower frequencies, which is particularly useful for analyzing audio signals, since many important features of the sound are concentrated in the lower frequencies.

The Q-transform is often used in audio applications for tasks such as pitch detection, timbre analysis, and sound recognition. It can also be used for tasks like music transcription, where the goal is to extract the notes and other musical features from an audio recording.

One of the advantages of the Q-transform over other signal processing techniques is that it is computationally efficient, making it well-suited for real-time applications. Additionally, it can be used to analyze non-stationary signals, which are common in audio recordings.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions. (все верно)

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Mozilla запустила проект для развития открытых систем машинного обучения , opennews, 23-Мрт-23, 08:20  [смотреть все]
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