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"Компания Paragon Software возобновила сопровождение модуля NTFS3 в ядре Linux "
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. "Компания Paragon Software возобновила сопровождение модуля N..." +/
Сообщение от vvm13 (?), 04-Июн-22, 20:20 
На самом деле, и коммуникация возобновилась.

@ 2022-05-01 17:13   ` Konstantin Komarov
Hello Linus, Kari and all.

First and foremost I need to state that active work on NTFS3 driver has never stopped,
and it was never decided to "orphan" NTFS3.  Currently we are still in the middle of the process
of getting the account. We need to sign our PGP key to move forward, but
the process is not so clear (will be grateful to get some process desciption), so it is going quite slow
trying to unravel the topic.

As for now, we can prepare patches/pull requests through the github,
and submit them right now (we have quite a bunch of fixes
for new Kernels support, bugfixes and fstests fixes) -- if Linus approves this approach
until we set up the proper repo.

Also, to clarify this explicitly: in addition to the driver, we're working of ntfs3 utilities as well.

Overall, nevertheless the NTFS3 development pace has been slowed down a bit for previous couple
of months, its state is still the same as before: it is fully maintained and being developed.

And finally, we apologize for late reply; I allowed me short vacation after most restrictions because
of covid ended up this month in Germany.


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Компания Paragon Software возобновила сопровождение модуля NTFS3 в ядре Linux , opennews, 03-Июн-22, 18:45  [смотреть все]
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