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"Уязвимость в механизме спекулятивного выполнения инструкций процессоров AMD"
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. "Уязвимость в механизме спекулятивного выполнения инструкций ..." +/
Сообщение от penetrator (?), 10-Мрт-22, 23:01 
Вообще-то это opennet налажал:

Which systems are affected by BHI?

Short answer: If you have an Intel or Arm CPU that was affected by Spectre-v2, you’re likely to be affected by BHI too. AMD seems not to be affected.

Long answer: Intel says most of their CPUs are affected apart from their Atom CPU family (full list available in their whitepaper). And they’re releasing software solutions to protect against BHI (CVE-2022-0001) and intra-mode BTI (CVE-2022-0002).
Arm listed all their affected processors in their advisory: Cortex-A15, Cortex-A57, Cortex-A72, Cortex-A73, Cortex-A75, Cortex-A76, Cortex-A76AE, Cortex-A77, Cortex-A78, Cortex-A78AE, Cortex-A78C, Cortex-X1, Cortex-X2, Cortex-A710, Neoverse N1, Neoverse N2, and Neoverse V1. They released 5 different mitigations depending on the system. Check their advisory for more information.

Are there any official security advisories and CVEs?

Intel released a whitepaper and a security advisory describing the issues. It also assigned CVE-2022-0001 to BHI and CVE-2022-0002 to intra-mode BTI.

Arm also released a whitepaper and assigned CVE- 2022-23960 to both issues.

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Уязвимость в механизме спекулятивного выполнения инструкций процессоров AMD, opennews, 10-Мрт-22, 16:10  [смотреть все]
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