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"Выпуск GhostBSD 22.01.12 "
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. "Выпуск GhostBSD 22.01.12 " +/
Сообщение от Аноним (100), 17-Янв-22, 20:16 
>Только вот в PC-BSD никогда не было openrc. И GhostBSD никогда не базировался на PC-BSD

А ты забавный

Только вот в PC-BSD никогда не было openrc. И GhostBSD никогда не базировался на PC-BSD
>It is BSD

GhostBSD is derived from FreeBSD, and its roots go back to the University of California Berkeley Unix Research. Historically it was referred to as "BSD Unix" or "Berkeley Unix." However, today it is simply called BSD for Berkeley Software Distribution.
FreeBSD ▶ GhostBSD

GhostBSD was originally based on FreeBSD.

With GhostBSD 19.09, the base changed to TrueOS with FreeBSD 12-STABLE with our twist to it.

Development of TrueOS ceased not long afterwards.

After some time using OpenRC (harmonious with TrueOS) we reverted to use of FreeBSD rc.d.

We continue to use the new packages system for the base system that is built from ports.

What describes GhostBSD now? In short:

    GhostBSD = FreeBSD plus things that FreeBSD does not support minus things that are no longer needed.

GhostBSD is a slow-moving rolling release. Bases for GhostBSD progressed from FreeBSD stable/12 to FreeBSD stable/13. Respectively: | | | |

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Выпуск GhostBSD 22.01.12 , opennews, 17-Янв-22, 09:54  [смотреть все]
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