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"Релиз Chrome 95"
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. "Релиз Chrome 95" +/
Сообщение от Ordu (ok), 21-Окт-21, 02:08

> Other address representations were in common use when classful networking was practiced. For example, the loopback address is commonly written as 127.1, given that it belongs to a class-A network with eight bits for the network mask and 24 bits for the host number. When fewer than four numbers are specified in the address in dotted notation, the last value is treated as an integer of as many bytes as are required to fill out the address to four octets. Thus, the address 127.65530 is equivalent to

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Релиз Chrome 95, opennews, 20-Окт-21, 17:50  [смотреть все]
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