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"Разработчики Glibc рассматривают вопрос прекращения передачи прав на код Фонду СПО"
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. "Разработчики Glibc рассматривают вопрос прекращения передачи..." +/
Сообщение от Анто769ним (?), 17-Июн-21, 09:39

How do we reduce bugs in software? The conventional wisdom is wrong, and the data will surprise you.

Software developers widely believe that more code equates to more bugs. The exact relationship is not well-understood, but many assume it to be linear (i.e. "bugs per thousand lines of code"). However, the top 100,000 most popular GitHub repositories show no such constant relationship between lines of code and issues. Further, lines of code is not a reliable indicator of (reported) bug count.

There are two more reliable indicators: the number of developers who have contributed code, and the number of commits.

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Разработчики Glibc рассматривают вопрос прекращения передачи прав на код Фонду СПО, opennews, 16-Июн-21, 10:06  [смотреть все]
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