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"Обновление Tor с устранением уязвимостей"
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Присылайте удачные настройки в раздел примеров файлов конфигурации на
. "Обновление Tor с устранением уязвимостей" +1 +/
Сообщение от odd.mean (ok), 17-Мрт-21, 00:46 
Да вот же:
Description: helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle
Tor Browser Launcher is intended to make the Tor Browser Bundle (TBB) easier
to maintain and use for GNU/Linux users. torbrowser-launcher handles
downloading the most recent version of TBB for you, in your language and for
your architecture. It also adds a "Tor Browser" application launcher to your
operating system's menu.
When you first launch Tor Browser Launcher, it will download TBB from and extract it to ~/.local/share/torbrowser,
and then execute it.
Cache and configuration files will be stored in ~/.cache/torbrowser and
Each subsequent execution after installation will simply launch the most
recent TBB, which is updated using Tor Browser's own update feature.

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Обновление Tor с устранением уязвимостей, opennews, 16-Мрт-21, 21:19  [смотреть все]
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