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"Почти полностью сгорел датацентр европейского хостера OVHCloud в Страсбурге"
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. "Почти полностью сгорел датацентр европейского хостера OVHClo..." +/
Сообщение от Онаним (?), 10-Мрт-21, 20:29 
Comment by OVH - Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 13:31PM

Fire at Our Strasbourg Site

At 00:47 on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, a fire broke out in a room in one of our 4 datacenters in Strasbourg, SBG2. Please note that the site is not classified as a Seveso site.
Firefighters immediately intervened to protect our teams and prevent the spread of the fire. At 2:54 am they isolated the site and closed off its perimeter.
By 4:09 am, the fire had destroyed SBG2 and continued to present risks to the nearby datacenters until the fire brigade brought the fire under control.
From 5:30 am, the site has been unavailable to our teams for obvious security reasons, under the direction of the prefecture. The fire is now contained.

We are relieved that no one was injured, neither among our teams nor among the firefighters and the services of the prefecture, whom we thank for their exemplary mobilization at our side.

With our 15 datacenters in Europe, our technical and commercial teams are fully invested to support our customers, implement solutions and mitigate the impact of the unavailability of our Strasbourg site. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality of services to support their online activities and we know how important this is to them. We sincerely apologize for the difficulties and challenges caused by this fire. We are committed to continue to communicate with the greatest transparency about the cause of the fire and its consequences.
We are currently assessing the impact of this incident and will communicate as transparently as possible on the progress of our analyses and the implementation of solutions.

Status of Strasbourg Datacenter
SBG1 : Network Room is OK - 4 room destroyed - 8 Rooms OK
SBG2 : Destroyed
SBG3 : UPS Down - Check server still in progress
SBG4 : No physical impact

No restart today for SBG1,SBG3 and SBG4

Plan for the next 2 weeks:
1)Rebuilding 20KV for SBG3
2)Rebuilding 240V in SBG1/SBG4
3)Verifying DWDM/routers/switchs in the network room A (SBG1).
Checking the fibers Paris/Frankfurt
4)Rebuilding the network room B (SBG5) cheking fiber Paris/Frankfurt

We will keep you updated as the situation evolves.

Comment by OVH - Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 17:26PM

OVH's technical teams are preparing and shipping the equipment needed to set up a temporary network room. This equipment will be sent to the Strasbourg datacenter during the night.
The site's fiber have been checked and were not affected by the fire.
The restoration of the site's power supply of SBG1 and SBG4 is estimated for Monday, March 15. A recovery for SBG3 is estimated for Friday, March 19

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Почти полностью сгорел датацентр европейского хостера OVHCloud в Страсбурге, opennews, 10-Мрт-21, 20:09  [смотреть все]
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