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"Релиз ядра Linux 5.9"
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. "Релиз ядра Linux 5.9" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 12-Окт-20, 17:16
"Generating and using tokens is best to be kept in the control of the kernel because it has direct binding to the IA32_SGXPUBKEYHASHx MSRs (a core must have MSRs set to the same value as the signer of token).
By giving user space any role in the launch process is a risk for introducing bottlenecks as kernel must exhibit behavior that user space launch daemon depends on, properietary risks (closed launch daemons on closed platforms) and stability risks as there would be division of semantics between user space and kernel."
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Релиз ядра Linux 5.9, opennews, 12-Окт-20, 08:46  [смотреть все]
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