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"Удалённо эксплуатируемые уязвимости в подсистемах Intel AMT ..."
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. "Удалённо эксплуатируемые уязвимости в подсистемах Intel AMT ..." +3 +/
Сообщение от Cradle (?), 13-Июн-20, 19:38 
кому интересно как оно там внутри устроено:

Пара цитат:
"The architecture of embedded microcontrollers was switched from ARCompact by ARC to x86. The Minute IA (MIA) 32-bit microcontroller was chosen as the basis; it is used in Intel Edison microcomputers and SoCs Quark and based on a rather old scalar Intel 486 microprocessor with the addition of a set of instructions (ISA) from the Pentium processor. However, for the PCH, Intel manufactures this core with 22-nm semiconductor technology, making the microcontroller highly energy-efficient"
"In particular, MINIX was chosen as the basis for the operating system (previously, ThreadX RTOS had been used). Now ME firmware includes a full-fledged operating system with processes, threads, memory manager, hardware bus driver, file system, and many other components"

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Удалённо эксплуатируемые уязвимости в подсистемах Intel AMT ..., opennews, 13-Июн-20, 11:05  [смотреть все]
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