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"Анонсирован публичный хостинг Heptapod для открытых проектов..."
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. "Анонсирован публичный хостинг Heptapod для открытых проектов..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (24), 29-Янв-20, 16:46 
>> экстенсивный рост мощностей серверов
> O_o
> Просветите, что означает слово "экстенсивный" в данном случае?

Наверное, это:


This is the recommended minimum hardware for a handful of example GitLab user base sizes. Your exact needs may be more, depending on your workload. Your workload is influenced by factors such as - but not limited to - how active your users are, how much automation you use, mirroring, and repo/change size.

    1 core supports up to 100 users but the application can be a bit slower due to having all workers and background jobs running on the same core
    2 cores is the recommended minimum number of cores and supports up to 100 users
    4 cores supports up to 500 users
    8 cores supports up to 1,000 users
    32 cores supports up to 5,000 users
    More users? Run it high-availability on multiple application servers


This is the recommended minimum hardware for a handful of example GitLab user base sizes. Your exact needs may be more, depending on your workload. Your workload is influenced by factors such as - but not limited to - how active your users are, how much automation you use, mirroring, and repo/change size.

You need at least 8GB of addressable memory (RAM + swap) to install and use GitLab! The operating system and any other running applications will also be using memory so keep in mind that you need at least 4GB available before running GitLab. With less memory GitLab will give strange errors during the reconfigure run and 500 errors during usage.

    4GB RAM + 4GB swap supports up to 100 users but it will be very slow
    8GB RAM is the recommended minimum memory size for all installations and supports up to 100 users
    16GB RAM supports up to 500 users
    32GB RAM supports up to 1,000 users
    128GB RAM supports up to 5,000 users
    More users? Run it high-availability on multiple application servers

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Анонсирован публичный хостинг Heptapod для открытых проектов..., opennews, 29-Янв-20, 13:59  [смотреть все]
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