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"Python опередил Java по числу проектов на GitHub"
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. "Python опередил Java по числу проектов на GitHub" –1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (76), 08-Ноя-19, 12:18 
>>а их у меня три - си, питончик, ассемблер
> Ассемблер лучший? Это 100%-я привязка к аппаратной архитектуре.

Во-первых, цифра завышена:

The flat assembler g (abbreviated to fasmg) is a new assembly engine designed to become a successor of the one used by flat assembler 1. It does not have a built-in support for x86 instructions. It is a generic assembler that can be used in place of flat assembler 1 in applications where only the pure macroinstruction engine is needed instead of x86 encoder, for example when an instruction set for a different architecture is defined through macroinstructions. However, thanks to the included set of macroinstructions implementing the x86 instruction sets, it has the ability of self-hosting. With the included macroinstructions it is capable of generating all the output formats that flat assembler 1 could and additional ones, like Mach-O or Intel HEX

Во-вторых, ну и что?

Ассемблер не для программирования, а для понимания.

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Python опередил Java по числу проектов на GitHub, opennews, 08-Ноя-19, 08:37  [смотреть все]
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