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"Netflix опубликовал патчи с реализацией TLS для ядра FreeBSD"
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. "Netflix опубликовал патчи с реализацией TLS для ядра FreeBSD" +/
Сообщение от Hewlett Packard (?), 16-Авг-19, 01:13 
> In September, the technology giant unveiled the cast for its Mandarin-language original TV series called "Nowhere Man." In January, it kicked off production for two more originals, called "Triad Princess" and "The Ghost Bride."
> The aim is to create shows for the millions of Mandarin speakers outside of China. It's also looking to create or acquire shows that have global appeal.
> Earlier this week, Netflix launched "The Wandering Earth" on its platform. That's been called China's first space epic and is the third-highest grossing film of 2019, according to Box Office Mojo. It was a huge hit in China when it was released earlier this year and Netflix has brought it to the global audience.
> Netflix has also turned to partnering with Chinese streaming companies. On Thursday, Alibaba-owned streaming platform Youku said Netflix had bought the exclusive distribution rights outside of China for "I Hear You," a 24-episode romantic comedy.
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Netflix опубликовал патчи с реализацией TLS для ядра FreeBSD, opennews, 15-Авг-19, 23:43  [смотреть все]
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