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"В Chrome 77 будет прекращена маркировка сертификатов с расши..."
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. "В Chrome 77 будет прекращена маркировка сертификатов с расши..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (37), 13-Авг-19, 10:16 
И до этих изменений для большинства пользователей это выглядит одинаково. Им пофиг. Деньги тратили владельцы сайтов, которые думали что пользователи обращают на это внимание. И уже много лет EV умирают, и от пропажи видимости в браузерах, и от осознания бесполезности и слоупочности обновления сертификатов. И те кто продвигали нужность EV, сами использовали DV, лол.
> Which brings me to the second point: certificate renewal should be automated and that's something that you simply can't do once identity verification is required. DV is easy and indeed automation is a cornerstone of Let's Encrypt which is a really important attribute of it. I recently spent some time with the development team in a major European bank and they were seriously considering ditching EV for precisely this reason. Actually, it was more than that reason alone, it was also the risk presented if they needed to quickly get themselves a new cert (i.e. due to key compromise) as the hurdles you have jump over are so much higher for EV than they are DV. Plus, long-lived certs actually create other risks due to the fact that revocation is broken so iterating quickly (for example, Let's Encrypt certs last for 3 months) is a virtue. Certs lasting for 2 years is not a virtue, unless you're coming from the perspective of being able to cash in on them...
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В Chrome 77 будет прекращена маркировка сертификатов с расши..., opennews, 12-Авг-19, 23:44  [смотреть все]
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