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"SmartAdBlock - новый легковесный блокировщик рекламы для Chr..."
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. "Developer" +36 +/
Сообщение от smartadblockemail (?), 10-Мрт-19, 00:06 
Hi guys, pleased to see this article, sorry I dont speak russian I will post in english. I am a dev of smartadblock and I can reply to some of the comments here:

-We are not doing this for a living the 3 developers have dayjobs
-I always hear why not contributing to ublockorigin, but is it not allowed anymore to start an adblocker project? Our concept is very different and it is just a different offer in the world of adblockers I believe it was worth publishing.
-Memory usage is lower but smartadblock is also faster and performs less regex, we will publish more statistics soon
-The filter interface was introduced in 1.0.9, choosing a list of famous filters will be introduced in the next version, be patient with us we started this 3 months ago
-Smartadblock is not simply easylist, we have additional rules a different parser and very different performance.
-As I said we started recently and if you find ads-unblocked stuff we would love to hear about it from russian public, please let us know in reddit r/smartadblock.
-Yes there was a stripe javascript in the website as we are planning to get donations to compensate for our time maintaining the filters. Anyway we removed for now.

Anyway, great to see an article appear in russian about smartadblock, and we will keep working on this young project.

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SmartAdBlock - новый легковесный блокировщик рекламы для Chr..., opennews, 09-Мрт-19, 22:43  [смотреть все]
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